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MTChurch Saints, your well-being and safety is our first priority to prevent the spread of corona virus (COVID-19).

MTChurch Saints, we will not being doing "in-person service" starting on Sunday, March 15, 2020 to further notice. Although we are anguished by the separation, it seems prudent to watch the trends awhile longer before making a rash decision that could compromise your health and those you love. However, this will not stop us from rallying together spiritually.  We will be meeting online by Video Conference, Telephone Conference, and Facebook Live on Sunday's at 10:00 a.m.


MTChurch Saints, COVID-19 Recovery Phase of reopening the church building. We want to continue with our biblical philosophy which keeps the spirit and the letter of the law. ​We are balancing all the COVID-19 concerns, risks and rewards of reopening of the church.


MTChurch Saints, for your well-being and safety is our top priority, as we move forward to planning, preparing, and responding to following the CDC safety guidelines. The church building will be thoroughly disinfected between each service. For this reason we will have alternatives ways to stay connected with our services via Video Conference, Teleconference, and Facebook Live.


MTChurch Saints, our projected plans "once a month" to have "in-person service" starting at the end of the summer in June 2020.  


MTChurch Saints, we hope to resume gradually to meeting "weekly" back "in-person service" on a regular basics starting in 2021 following the CDC safety guidelines. 


MTChurch Saints, if you choose to attend any of the "in-person services" you are knowingly and willingly consenting to attend "in-person service" during the COVID-19 pandemic.


MTChurch Saints, you understand by attending "in-person service" that the COVID-19 virus has a long incubation period during which carriers of the virus that may not show symptoms and still be highly contagious.


MTChurch Saints, you understanding by attending "in-person service" you are not present with any of the following systems of COVID-19 such as fever, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste or smell, dry cough, running nose, and or sore throat. You understand by attending "in-person service" that you are agreeing that you have not traveled in the past fourteen days and have not been around anyone affected or have any symptoms of COVID-19 in the last fourteen days. 


MTChurch Saints, you understand by attending any of the "in-person services" that you are releasing not limit to any affiliations, of Mt. Transfiguration Church, Mount Transfiguration Baptist Church, MTChurch Saints, MTChurch Partners,   Pastor, First Lady, Ministers, and or Members from any claims and demands; and will hold them harmless from any liability which may arise  from attending "in-person service". You understanding by attending "in-person service" you are coming at your own risk. 


MTChurch Saints, to prevent the spread of contagious virus and to help each other, you understand by attending 

"in-person service" you must follow strict guidelines such as we will only welcome up to only 50-percent capacity, we are shortening the length of the service and following the social distance of 6 feet apart.  We will record attendance of all members and have all visitors sign in at each service to ensure accurate contact tracing in the event someone get sick with the virus.  

MTChurch Saints, we will follow all CDC COVID-19 symptomatic safety guidelines, not limit to no physical touching immediately preceding, during or immediately after the worship gathering. (i.e. no hugging, handshaking etc..). 


MTChurch Saints, we ask everyone to wear masks/face coverings; families are asked to sit together; parents must keep children with you and your family at all times and those under 12 must be escorted to and from the bathrooms; the water fountain will not be open for use (if you need water please bring bottled water) and no coffee, snacks or goodies bags will be pass out. 


MTChurch Saints, if anyone is showing any symptoms of fever, running nose, chest congestion, shortness of breath, fever within 48 hours, and or anyone who has been sick since the last fourteen days is asked not to attend service and stay home and join us by Video Conference, Teleconference, and or Facebook Live. 


Sunday Praise & Worship

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Video Conference, Teleconference, and Facebook Live. 


In-Person Service will be once a month on a delegated Sunday.

Wednesday Night Bible Studies 

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Prayer - Sunday School Lesson

Tele/Video Conference  


For additional information and weekly announcements login into the Facebook MTChurch Members Page.

Blessings and Love

Pastor Davis and Lady Davis


Mt. Transfiguration Church of Blue Springs 

Partnership with HopeFirst Hope Center

Copyright @ 2007-2021

All Rights Reserved

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